
Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 model

Microsoft latest surface pro is making headlines and gets reviews where some are hinting that it could replace ipad or is better. In that part will instantly add no way 😉 First of all: Apple IOS and Microsoft windows 10 is so different. For example: development platvorm. Apps making. Same with hardware. Different.

What makes surface pro 2017 unique as tablet/mini laptop type of device?

  • Hybrid tablet
  • Has slim new keyboard
  • Very light
  • 2 in 1 tablet
  • Core i7 CPU
  • With that impressive battery lasting. Over 13h
  • It’s really unique. The way you can connect keyboard and make it stand on desks

Would like to point out for one more important thing. It runs Windows 10S which is new MS os version. Windows 10S is optimized for speed. It’s stripped down version. Keep in mind at time of writing: Windows 10S runs only apps from microsoft app store and software what is listed in there. Meaning it won’t allow run software from anywhere else (even if they are Windows 10 compatible)

Their is claim that for small fee one can upgrade to windows 10 pro (this would allow run any MS W7, MS W10 software). Don’t know yet for 100% can it be done on this device as well

A Closer look video

Hands on



CPU i7
Long battery lasting
12 inch screen
This version is without pen
Signature keyboard cover costs extra
Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 model
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