
Amazon echo + dot

This is review of amazon echo and amazon echo dot ( 2 in 1 article ) ๐Ÿ˜‰

I am fairly new with AI devices what listen your voice (commands) and do certain tasks. Thinking about it, quick from head comes to me shazam app and for that time when they did come to market – it worked but different way. It could detect almost any song from playing in room. I was in some club. From all laud noise – still did give accurate results of playing music (artist.. etc).

Anyways this is not review of app just thought, perhaps from there companies got idea and comfort feeling (product that actually works) to produce device what listens your voice and can do certain tasks (play music, turn lamp on, schedule meeting..).. Don’t know but fact is: google has such device out and ofcource the famous apples siri

So what can amazon echo + dot do?

Here are main features:

  • Control lights and other electronic devices what support amacon echo api (tech)
  • Play music (amazon music, spotify, pandora, tunein.. and more)
  • Answers. Ask any question and does answer
  • Talking. Yep, you can talk with amazon echo and it does talk with you also ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Scheduling events in your calendar
  • Auto features.. birthday, reminders
  • Reads.. audiobooks!
  • Calling
  • 360ยบ omni-directional audio
  • AI voice Alexa (has computer ai name also)
  • + just received two updates (reminder and trigger functions)
  • Quick buttons to turn mic off and audio
  • Many manufactures support smart “lamps” (having amazon api support).
  • And more (online shopping.. huh)

Differents with amazon echo and amazon echo dot? You can connect with “echo dot” speakers via cable as well. Echo dot is smaller, generation 2, compact and does have all features what it’s brother has. Both use for connectivity bluethooth and wifi.



Now comes part about others are not writing so much ๐Ÿ™‚ What about hackers? This made me think seriously as this device when connected to internet has online shopping functions. It means, device has personal data what should be carefully quarded.

Few recommendations for security:

Make sure your wifi stays protected with strong password. You also could turn on vps wifi pin and allowed devices mac addresses only in your wifi router. About bluetooth. Make sure bluetooth devices ask password as well. One thing more what to do: Turn off voice purchase feature! There are many reports, ordering wrong product or someones kid ordering really expensive product.



You are in control! You can turn amazon echo always off and if you need to be sure, unplug device from electric circle. From launching day 2014 y. there is no reports of success hacking. There is article in internet why amazon echo devices are harder to hack then smartphones. 

Hands on videos:

Latest 2017



Alexa echo dot 5 top usage



From year 2015


This is why i like alexa AI. Amazon added fun in it


Alexa singin – Wifi song



Two alexas talking




Amazon echo + dot
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